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Photo of Peace Presbyterian Church in Stuart, Florida

Aerial view of Peace Presbyterian Church

Habitat For Humanity
Safe Space
House of Hope

Our Vision

Peace Presbyterian Church is here to present the ageless truth of the Christian Faith in a credible and culturally relevant way through an environment where people will encounter God’s love, forgiveness, acceptance and encouragement so as to encounter Jesus Christ and be equipped in their faith, thus, enabling them to impact the web of their relationships in their family, in the community and the world with the "GREAT NEWS" of Jesus Christ.

Welcome To Our Visitors

All who share with us, this day, our worship experience at Peace Presbyterian Church are our honored guest. You are cordially invited to remain for a time for fellowship and refreshments following our worship service. You are cordially welcomed to visit us each Sunday morning for worship.

After you worship and engage with us regularly, we hope you’ll consider formal affiliation with Peace Presbyterian Church. Several times a year we offer a time to become a member or affiliate member during which the minister and Elders are available to answer any questions you may have about Peace Church, being a Presbyterian, or membership.
Meet Our Staff Graphic

Upcoming Events

Dec. 8 Advent Worship Service - Order Poinsettias
Dec. 9 Peace Women Meeting & Potluck Lunch, 9:15 am - Fellowship Hall
Dec. 10 Member Support Meeting, 2 pm - Fellowship Hall
Dec. 11 W.O.W. Cocoa & Carols, 3:30 pm - Meet in Fellowship Hall
Dec. 12 Advent Bible Study, 10 am - Fellowship Hall


Christmas Movie Night, Dec. 15th at 6 pm
Advent Bible Study, Dec. 19th at 10 am
Cookie Sale, Dec. 22nd at 11 am
Candlelight Service, Dec. 24th at 6 pm

PLEASE also see the online calendar and weekly bulletin for a complete list of upcoming events and meetings with complete details of activities.

Peace Presbyterian Women

Peace Presbyterian Women will meet on Monday, December 9th at 9:15 am for their regular business meeting and Bible Study. After the meeting they will enjoy a Christmas Potluck Luncheon. Invite a friend or neighbor and bring a dish to share!

Our Annual Cookie Sale Fundraiser will be held on December 22nd after church in Fellowship Hall

Cookie Drop Off during regular office hours Dec 16 - Dec 20
Packaging Cookies on Dec 21 at 1 pm in church kitchen

Christmas bake sale


Order your Poinsettias to decorate the Sanctuary.
Envelopes available in the Narthex or Church Office.

Don't forget to include how many you would like and the dedication. You may also pay for them online via our secure online payment portal on the church website. Call the church office for more information on how to order yours online!

Poinsettia Orders

The Member Support Committee is hosting the W.O.W. (Welcome on Wednesday) Program on the second Wednesday of each month at 4 pm in Fellowship Hall.

All are welcome to attend and we encourage you to invite a friend or neighbor!

We hope that you can join us on Wednesday, December 11 at 3:30 pm for "Cocoa and Carols"...We will sing Christmas Carols at the Seabranch Rehabilitation Center (Salerno Nursing) next door then we will return to Fellowship Hall for cocoa, cookies, and fellowship.

Hot chocolate

The Member Support Committee will be selling Peace Presbyterian Church Christmas cards this year. These lovely, full color Christmas cards feature a picture of the Peace church sanctuary, will be sold in packs of 10 for $15, and come with envelopes. They are available after church or in the church office during regular office hours.

Hot chocolate

ONLY 10 short days until our Annual Christmas Movie Night with Potluck Hors d'oeuvres and desserts!

Christmas Movie Night

Sign Up in Fellowship Hall
OR RSVP on the

Movie to be announced...this is a great time to invite friends and neighbors!

Church Missions

Peace Mission Updates

ONLY 3 Books LEFT! Hurry to the church office to get yours!

The Mission Committee is selling the 2024 - 2025 Enjoyment Books for $35 each. There are thousands of dollars worth of dining, entertainment, & service savings inside! Save on museums, golf, car washes, dry cleaners, dining, fast food and retail locations along the treasure coast!!

Using 2-3 coupons covers the cost of the book, as many coupons have up to a $10 or more value!

All proceeds from the Enjoyment Book sales benefit Peace Presbyterian Church Missions. Available in the Church Office or online at

Childdare is available

The Christian Life Commission offers childcare provided by Care Options for Kids, every Sunday in the Fellowship Hall building, as well as a parent/child room adjacent to the ladies room in the Narthex.

Peace Presbyterian Church Stewardship Encompassing All of Life

The Stewardship Commission is looking to invite members and friends of Peace Church to give a 1 to 2 minute testimonial, after the announcements on Sunday morning, about how Peace Church and/or its members have been helpful or meaningful in their life.

Please call the church office to schedule your Sunday Testimonial or see Penn Shade for more information.

Dates available in December and January!

Faithful Stewards

Join Us For Worship

Join us IN PERSON on
Sunday, December 8, 2024 at 9:50 AM
for worship with

Rev. Lonnie Darnell, Minister
Rev. Grace Scarle, Music Minister
Bruce Thomson, Organ
Jean Winfree, Piano
Liturgist: Mary Lersch

JOIN US on YouTube
All Live Stream services are on Sunday at 9:50 am.


Be sure to check out our FACEBOOK Page.

Sing Aloud

Hymns for Sunday, December 8, 2024:
Hymns #13 and #8

Handbell Choir
Handbell Choir at 5:15 pm
Choir rehearsals at 6 pm on Thursdays!
See Pastor Grace for more information!

Candlelight Christmas Eve Service

Join us for a traditional Christmas Even Candlelight Service
at 6 o'clock pm on Tuesday, December 24, 2024.


Stewardship Emphasis

All offerings will be gratefully received during this time.
Offerings can be mailed to:

Peace Presbyterian Church
PO BOX 1628
Port Salerno, FL 34992

Thank you to our members, friends, and visitors for your generous and regular giving. We are so grateful.

give button

ONLINE GIVING: Peace Presbyterian Church offers online tithing & offering. Through the Presbyterian Foundation we have created a safe and secure environment for a one-time gift donation or reoccurring tithes by an online giving portal managed by the Presbyterian Foundation and Vanco Payment Solutions. You can access the online giving portal by clicking the Give Now Button above. If you have any questions, please call the church office. You may also click here to access the Frequently Asked Questions for using GivePlus Church.

Offerings can also be mailed to:

Peace Presbyterian Church
PO BOX 1628
Port Salerno, FL 34992

Is Your Pledge Up To Date?
Pledge cards and offering envelopes are available in the church office.

Join our network

Link to our YouTube channel, Facebook page and our online calendar.
The weekly 10 am church service is presented via LIVE STREAM on our YouTube channel, and previous church services are saved for later viewing.
The online church calendar shows current activities and events, you can “save the date”, invite friends, family, & neighbors to events, or share on social media.
If you are on Facebook, head over to our new Facebook page, to like and share with family, friends, and neighbors. Find us at “Peace Presbyterian Church, Stuart, FL”.

Connect With Us

Sign up for weekly emails!
Stay informed about our church highlights by adding your email address to our
Mailchimp list.
mailchimp logo

And don't forget that you can watch our services streamed live every Sunday!
Click the logo below to connect and watch past services as well.
streamed live


Peace Presbyterian Church
PO BOX 1628
Port Salerno, FL 34992

Please do not send any mail to the physical address of the church.

little library


Peace Presbyterian Church is proud to announce we are hosting our very own Little Free Library! The community oriented concept is to take a book and leave a book at the Little Free Library located in our parking lot nearest to Salerno Bay Manor Nursing Home. Stop buy and take a look or visit the website to learn more!